Friday, May 07, 2004

Pfft. So noisy.

In reference to an earlier blog entry...O love playing GunBound, not Gunpoint. lol stupid typos.
Blogger - Blog Invitation Error

lol. Invitation from my friend must have expired before I responded to it. Oh well.

Anyways, I've made a few changes to the Blog. Firstly, the template has changed. And so has the title of the blog. Also, changed the timezone to +8 GMT.

Well, my friend Dori, aka Fiona may be teaming up with me on this Blog. Watch this space!

By the way, if you have MSN Messenger, feel free to add me at f a w k e s _ p @ h o t m a i l . c o m

Omit the spaces. Hate those web crawlers that harvest email addresses.
Star Trek Communiquez :: Index

Hello! It's a rainy morning today. Decided to skip school, I was so tired this morning. But I'm up and shiny today. Today's going to be a good day.

Nothing on the news again, more about the Iraqi prisioner abuse...Personally, these photos are outrageous. Wonder what would happen if the tables were turned on those U.S. Soldiers abusing the Iraqis.

Can't wait to play a face-to-face RPG with my Trekkie friends on the 15th. It's a first lol. Dori, a fellow trekkie, also has a blog, which is here.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Here's an interesting screenshot from GunBound:

(Click to Enlarge)

Was too bored, then did this totally by mistake. (OK, so I did want that to happen. Oops, you didn't have to know that, did you? =P)
Hello! This is my first time "blogging" as it's called. Well, I'm Ben from Singapore!I'm 16 this year, my starsign is a Leo.

My hobbies are...blogging, Star Trek, playing gunpoint, sleeping *ZzZz* and eating stuff. I also like playing on my XBOX...

I don't even know WHY I'm starting a Blog in a year like this. This is Graduation Year, final exams coming in September lol. Even now, it's the mid-year exam here in Singapore.

Well, this will be the first entry for now. He wanna surf the web. lol.

It rained today... How boring. As usual, my class irritated the heck outta my Math teacher. He's so boring. Maybe if he makes lessons more interactive, more interest would be shown...

Well, rain has stopped...but I'm still very bored.

My condolences goes out to the victims of the Nicoll Highway and Ayer Rajah worksite collapses.